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Found 15068 results for any of the keywords 2003 1. Time 0.007 seconds.
Biking Around AustraliaBetween February 2002 and March 2003 I circumnavigated 12,504 miles around the Australian continent on my bicycle, or push bike as they say there. After that I went to New Zealand for three months and met up with a f
NLTS2: Reports & Products: Reports: April 2003 (1)This document describes findings that include the changes in individual and household characteristics of students, services received, and student outcomes from the parent interviews of NLTS (1987) and NLTS2 (2
Education - WikipediaCompulsory education refers to education that individuals are legally mandated to receive, primarily affecting children who must attend school up to a certain age. This stands in contrast to voluntary education, which in
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SourceForge Community Blog - What s new on SourceForge.netBig News: SourceForge Just Got a Major Upgrade with Cool Demo Tools! Hey everyone! We ve got some awesome news to share that s going to make showcasing and exploring
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